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Type Title Authorsort icon Replies Last Post
Forum topic Knek mini figure code Super Mario Brothers Avian 2 2012-12-19 06:53
Forum topic Is Ultimate Spiderman going to produce some 3 3/4 figures this year Avian 1 2012-04-05 14:48
Forum topic Malekith from the Thor 2 action figure question (Marvel Universe) Avian 2013-11-23 21:44
Forum topic Toys R Us diplay with little to none Avengers figures Avian 7 2012-05-08 18:36
Forum topic Movie Avengers are at my local TRU Avian 3 2012-02-16 12:06
Forum topic Spiderman Unlimited 3 3/4 figure question and Iron Man Movie 3 3/34 question Avian 3 2013-04-21 18:21
Forum topic Mattel is back tracking about the Young Justice line Avian 1 2012-04-14 10:43
Forum topic Remember the 2012 Marvel Universe Doom Castle with the Purple Man figure Avian 5 2012-08-04 17:39
Forum topic Any news from the Uk Toy Fair? Avian 2 2014-03-04 14:05
Forum topic Men In Black 3 figures spotted Avian 6 2012-04-22 12:24
Forum topic Hasbro Avengers figures on sale this week Avian 2 2012-04-22 18:04
Forum topic Question about the Trickster Infinate Hereos figure Avian 2 2012-06-14 13:28
Forum topic Avengers Shield carrier reduced at Walmart Avian 4 2013-01-22 14:33
Forum topic OT will we get a varient She Hulk for the Marvel Universe Avian 3 2012-02-20 00:46
Forum topic It appears that the 3 3/4 Avengers Alien figures will be made Avian 2 2012-04-12 10:30
Forum topic New comic book Batman figures hit the shelf Avian 3 2012-05-24 20:58
Forum topic Has the Mego like Previews Retro DC butler Alfred figure shown up yet Avian 2 2013-12-19 16:03
Forum topic Did the Marvel Universe forget some figures at Toy Fair? Avian 2 2012-02-23 23:18
Forum topic New 3 3/4 Man of Steel figures found at Books A Million, figure question Avian 2013-05-03 17:35
Forum topic animated green lantern figure question Avian 6 2012-06-08 05:27
Forum topic lego question Avian 4 2012-06-01 16:42
Forum topic Spiderman movie figures are out at Walmart Avian 7 2012-06-01 17:46
Forum topic For anyone who had the Animated Iron Man Crimson Dynamo figure by Hasbro Avian 1 2012-04-27 19:28
Forum topic Thanks Bobbi for the color switch Avian 1 2012-08-21 12:31
Forum topic Web Force Toy Biz Wasp figure question Avian 1 2012-03-17 09:34