Walmart Batman Movie min display of figures

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Avian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I must say that I was going to pass on the new Batman movie 3 3/4 figures until I wound up seeing this Batman figure. Its the one that has the yellow background picture. I actually went looking for this figure, but it was not on the shelf. I kinda wish I knew the name of this Batman figure. It almost reminds me when Kenner did the Dark Knight series and they made the tech shield Batman, the gold one, I just rememeber seeing the commerical on TV and saying Wow that is soo cool. And yes, I did buy that Batman figure.

However I did notice that the 3 3/4 figures is getting a deluxe series, pretty cool . That is picture number 2. I know they might not have anything to do with the movie, but pretty cool


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Avian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Sorry the topic should have said Mini display...sorry, but its a cool way to display the figures in the isles, when they are in a clear tube diplay
