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Masters of Eternia

Created by Lee ([email protected]).


I'm not a very ambitious customizer. I look for figures that need a coat of paint, possibly a little cutting or sanding, and the addition of some new accessories. Im a Masters of the Universe fan who loves both the classic line and the more recent line from the past decade, and Im still disappointed that the latter was not better managed and sustained. Even the line of non-articulated figures from the Four Horsemen lost steam before its potential had been fully exhausted. In that context, and given the success companies like McFarlane Toys and NECA have seen with their rich and detailed designs, I started considering something similar for Masters of the Universe. Id already seen tremendous potential in McFarlanes Conan figures, and it should be obvious that those form the core of my custom Masters line. The customs on display are all from Conan Series 2. Faker is the exception, having as its base design NECAs Series 1 Ah-Nold Pit Fighter Conan figure.

I paint with nothing more expensive than the FolkArt and Apple Barrel brands of acrylic paint available off the shelf at Wal-Mart for about a buck apiece. I sometimes (but not always) prime or seal the base figure prior to painting. I primed Beast Man down to the last crevice, for example, but I didnt think He-Man really required that step. On the other hand, Ive begun a Man-At-Arms to which even the primer is resistant; I assume Ill have to sand first for the figure to be successful. The costume accessories for He-Man and Skeletor were taken from the figures designed by the Four Horsemen, including He-Mans belt buckle, which I simply cut from the original piece and glued onto the custom.

Faker, who I've renamed, was the most difficult figure to adapt. Along with the name, I felt that his traditional colors had to evolve in order for him to fit into this set. Again, I love Mattels designs, and Faker will always be one of my favorites, but theres just nothing subtle about his classic colors. I went darker in stages, then finally committed to remaking him into something that would conceptually live and move in darkness. His colors are still unnatural, but I think it works, and theres an echo of my Skeletor. I think Ive given him stronger narrative potential, too. Skeletor is evil, but I dont think he was born that way. This version of Faker could actually be evil incarnatecould be an Eternian demon, a devil, or some sort of underworld entity unleashed on the planet. I see him as something possibly conjured by Skeletor, who very quickly loses control and cant contain him -- or it. *Incidentally, my amateur photography doesnt do this figure justice; the blue is significantly deeper and darker under normal lighting.

Ive already identified (and in some cases already purchased and begun to modify) the base figures for the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms, Teela, Evil-Lyn, and Hordak. Several of those are, again, figures from McFarlanes Conan line. The Sorceress and Hordak will both be made using figures from DC Directs World of Warcraft. Battle Cat is also on my mind, but I think I will actually have more success with a realistic sculpture of a tigersomething never intended as a toy or action figure. In any event, my Masters of Eternia looks to be at least a ten-figure set by this time next year.

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