First series packaging:
- The first-series DC characters (Batman, General Zod, Jor-El, Lex Luthor, Robin, and Superman) were all released on the card above.
- The first series Marvel characters (Spider-Man and Hulk) were released with the same card front, but the card back showed Marvel characters.
Second series packaging:
- For the second series, Mego used colorful cards, with different cards for the Marvel and DC characters
Demin packaging:
- The four figures above (Batman, Superman, Hulk, and Spider-Man) were released on cool individual denim-style cards ('cause they're POCKET heroes, get it?) in the U.K., Canada, and Italy
Other Italian packaging:
Image credits:
- Carded Jor-El provided by Ross Nitkin
- Carded Italian Hulk provided by John Bonavita, author of the highly recommended book, Mego Action Figure Toys
- American white carded Hulk provided by [email protected]
- Italian carded Batman from the collection of Danny Miller, originally featured at The Mego Museum
- Italian carded Spider-Man, denim Superman, and white card backs provided by Brian at The Mego Museum
[3 3/4-inch Archives] [Comic Action Heroes] [Greatest American Hero] [Pocket Super Heroes]