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The Watchmen

Created by Caenman ([email protected]).
Web site: caenman.tripod.com


Rorschach: Ledger Joker base, Spiderman head and battle damaged Spiderman head, hat from Wild West figure, twist tie scarf, power-rangers gun (modified), and sculpted lifts on shoes.

Night Owl: Batman Begins figure, real leather for cape, sculpted goggles and cowl peeks, plastic for moon-boomerang and Robin staff.

Dr Manhattan: Multiple-Man figure, spray-painted and brushed with various blues and a number of coats of gloss, power-base from unknown figure, Iceman hand, FF movie 2 powers blasts.

Silk Spectre: Snowbird base, forehead sculpted and fringe, Gambit staff, Spiderman trashcan and bricks.

Ozymandias: Jonny Storm FF2 movie figure, gold tread belt and cape ties, Magneto cape and blue cape is hand made.

The Comedian: Cable body, cybernetic arm sculpted over, Cain Marko (Juggernaut) head, Ironman head with nose sculpted, and Magneto head with mo added and scar cut in. Weapons from various figures.

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