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Secret Invasion: Skrulls Boxed Set

"The Punisher=D's Customs" at "minimatemultiverse.com" Presents Secret Invasion: Skrulls Boxed Set

A DST release! Straight from the pages of Marvel's "Secret Invasion" comes the "Skrulls" Boxed Set. BUT WAIT! Didn't we already get a Secret Invasion set? Yes, but not like this! We here at DST realized that if we were to make a Secret Invasion set, it should probably include some major players from the comic, so this set is straight for the fans!

This set includes four skrulls from the comic.
"Final Battle" Skrull Queen (aka Spider Woman)
"Fire and Ice" Super Skrull from the Deadpool comic.
Dead "Skrull-ectra" with bloody base.
"X-Men" Super Skrull

Expect for this set to be in your hands by this fall!

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