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Agents of Destruction: The Greatest Agents, Spies, and Assassins of the Cinema

"Iconic secret agents and ruthless assassins come to life...to take life...in this new line of figures."

"Murder, mayhem, and maybe even some money await the stars of this new action figure line. Each 3 3/4 " figures comes with accessories. Series one was actually on display with prototypes:


1. James Bond (as portrayed by Daniel Craig in "Quantum of Solace")
2. Agent 47 "The Hitman" (as portrayed by Timothy Olyphant in 'Hitman")

A list of what is in series two and three was announced as well as the announcement of an exclusive two-pack although no pictures were shown:

1. Jason Bourne (as portrayed by Matt Damon in "The Bourne Identity")
2. Anton Chigurh (as portrayed by Javier Bardem in "No Country for Old Men")

1. Vincent (as portrayed by Tom Cruise in "Collateral")
2. Léon (as portrayed by Jean Reno in "The Professional")

TWO-PACK EXCLUSIVE (retailer unknown)
1. Robert Rath (as portrayed by Sylvester Stallone in "Assassins")
2. Miguel Bain (as portayed by Antonio Banderas in "Assassins")

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