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Xevoz ReduX

Created by Michael Jaecks ([email protected]).


As much as possible, I tried to use Xevoz parts for this series of customs. In some cases, parts from other action figures were used. Wherever possible, I try to choose non-Xevoz parts that mesh well with the streamlined look of the original line. My paint applications are clean and simple, also in keeping with the overall design philosophy of the original Xevoz line.

When altering parts, I use epoxy putty for sculpting, acrylic paint and Rit Dye. Rit Dye works surprisingly well over the lighter colored plastic. Infra Red Ray, for instance, is made entirely of original Xevoz parts dyed Scarlet Red. Dyeing plastic parts is extremely satisfying because it really gives a custom figure the toy-company-manufactured look.

Many of my customs are simply my own ideas to further the line beyond what was released in the few short years Xevoz were out. Some are inspired by Dungeons and Dragons creatures but given more Xevoz-y names (Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast), and a couple figures from more well known intellectual properties have snuck in there as well...

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