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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

William Ertzman's Customs


William can be contacted at [email protected]


made from a Robin Figure

he fell from the shelf and broke so I repainted him and gave him a more animated style hook

for New BTAS made from a Bane figure with fixe hands and supersculpy accessories  

Blue Beetle for the Adventures of DC universe
made from a Batman JLU figure

Blue Beetle
for the JLU made from a flash figure

Crimson Avenger and Wing
made from a Flash JLU figure and Wing made from a Robin figure

Dr Fate
from the Superman animated series made from a Batman figures with custom supersculpy head and cape

Fox from the New BTAS
appeared in the Batgirl Adventures comic made from a Talia figure with supersculpty extras

Kid Flash
made from a Robin figure

Lex Luthor in Armour
was made from the pop on armour and supersculpty

Nebula Man
made from an old Superman figure is the enemy of the Sevem Soldiers of Victory

Nightwing from the Teen Titans Go series
was made from a Flash JLU figure

Robin from the BTAS series
needed to be remade from the original BTAS Robin.

Robin for the original Teen Titans
made from a Ninja Robin

Talia from Batman Beyond
made from a Wonder Woman figure

Ten from Batman Beyond
made from a Hawkgirl figure

made from a Joker figure with supersculpty extras

Wonder Girl
made from a fast food toy

Seven Soldiers of Victory aka Law's Legionaries and the Nebula Man
whom they are locked in eternal battle

The Teen Titans
at what the Teen Titans would look like if the Dick Grayson Robin joined them

Solomon Grundy
made from a TMNT figure

Shinning Knight
made from a GL JLU figure

Stripsy and the Star Spangled Kid
made from a Superman JLU and Robin figure

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