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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Joshuas' Customs


Joshua can be contacted at [email protected]


Created by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neil 

Custom Action Figures created by Joshua Izzo


Alan Quartermain

The famous adventurer was crafted from a DC Direct Uncle Sam torso, McFarlane Shaft arms and jacket, McFarlane Ichabod Crane legs, Toy Biz Legolas hands, DC Direct Constantine head and Toy Biz King Theoden face with a flourish of Kneadatite facial hair.

Mina Harker

The leader of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was created with the head of a McFarlane Jessica Priest, the body and legs of the Electra Woman figure, the upper arms and hands of the McFarlane Dawn figure, the lower arms of the Art Asylum Enterprise Vulcan woman and the skirt of Toy Biz’ Eowyn.  She has a ribbon scarf to hide those unsightly bite marks…

Mina Harker, Captain Nemo & Alan Quartermain


Dorian Gray

Dorian Gray's Portrait

The effete Gray was created out of a Mattel Joker body, heavily modified at the neck to accommodate the new head, collar and cravat.  The head is crafted out of Kneadatite, Toy Biz Legolas’ face along with the Harry Potter Gilderoy hair and ears.  His portrait is just that, a portrait.

Dr. Alphonse Moreau

The good Doctor began life as the legs from a DC Direct Elijah Snow and an X-Men Movie Magneto.  His collar was modified to include his cravat and a waistcoat was added with cut vinyl.  The hands are from a DC Direct Uncle Sam, and the accoutrements are crafted from cut vinyl and other miscellaneous bits from the parts box.

Dr. Alphonse Moreau’s Ani-Man

The brutish half-man-half-beast was crafted from a Toy Biz Marvel legends Beast figure with the pants of a Toy Biz Movie Hulk.  The cat-like muzzle was crafted out of Kneadatite and the whiskers were some small fiber-optic strands.

Dr. Moreau & his Ani-Man



The legendary lord of the apes was a Toy Biz Namor figure with some bare feet attached.  His head is a heavily modified DC Direct Uncle Sam head.  Cheetah is there for the ride.


Tarzan’s mainland wife was a simple repaint of the horrific Hasbro Planet of the Apes Daena figure.  She had her slave outfit replaced with a swanky jungle-themed leopard-print number, she was then painted and added to the roster.

The Tarzan Family



Orlando with Top Hat

The nigh-immortal, androgynous gender-changing dilettante Orlando is crafted from a McFarlane Metal Gear Solid head and hands (forgive me if I do not know the names of the figures...) a McFarlane Ichabod Crane torso and arms, a Toy Biz X-2 Nightcrawler jacket, Toy Biz Lord of the Rings Eowyn waist and thighs and McFarlane Dawn legs and boots.  Her top hat is from a DC Direct Uncle Sam and her attitude is from the 1890's.


Mina Harker & Orlando


The Baron Munchausen

The infamous world-traveling liar was created using a DC Direct Uncle Sam torso, arms and head.  The head was modified with Kneadatite to add the pronounced nose and facial hair.  His cuffs are from a Toy Biz Darkstalkers Dimitri, and his hands are from a Mattel Joker.  His jacket is from an X-2 Movie Cyclops, his waist and thighs are from a Toy Biz Legolas and his boots are from a Battle of the Planets Jason.  Add a hat and shoe buckles from a Hasbro Treasure Planet figure, a feather and a saber and voila!

Captain Ahab

The grizzled old seafaring hero was made from a DC Direct Elijah Snow.  Solomon Grundy’s club was used to craft his peg leg and some Kneadatite was used to give him that Gregory Peck beard.

Don Quixote

Don Quixote close up

The Knight-Errant of La Mancha was created using the Harry Potter Gilderoy figure for the torso, arms and gauntlets.  His head is a heavily modified McFarlane Crow figure with some new Kneadatite facial hair.  His helmet is from Toy Biz’ Magneto, with some decoration from a Spawn figure.  His waist and thighs are a bit of cut vinyl along with the Enterprise Vulcan female figure from Art Asylum.  His boots are from the mounted knight figure from the Harry Potter line.  His various straps, weapons and buckles, etc. are from Toy Biz Lord of the Rings figures.  Tilting at Windmills, indeed!


The Revered Dr. Syn; The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh

Dr. Syn was created using a torso and head of a McFarlane Shaft, the arms of a DC Direct Elijah Snow, the gauntlets of a McFarlane Kaneda and the legs, shoes and cloak of a McFarlane Ultima Online Adranath figure.  The head is cut canvas with a hat from a Kenner Mask figure.  The “straw” is from the Adranath figure and some twigs from the back yard.


Mr. Hyde

The bestial and carnal side of Dr. Edward Jekyll was one of my most challenging customs yet. Kevin O'Neill drew Hyde as a hulking brute with an upper torso to make the Hulk jealous, but with normally proportioned lower legs. This proved to be quite the problem when choosing the recipe. I ending up creating Hyde out of a DC Direct Solomon Grundy torso and arms, heavily modified with Kneadatite and vinyl, Toy Biz Hulk Classics Mr. Fixit Gloves and overcoat, NECA's 'Christmas Story' Old Man legs and feet and a Toy Biz Hulk Movie Head with Kneadatite fixes. The accessories are all cobbled together from the parts boxes, and his neck-tie, collar and other bits and pieces were created from cut vinyl. A satisfying experience, and a healthy addition to my League of Extraordinary Gentleman customs.



Quartermain on the Hunt
While looking through some custom sites one day, I happened upon a post from our own Casimir that he was liquidating some customs. Knowing my passion for all things custom, I e-mailed him instantly and brokered a deal to acquire said customs. As part of the deal, I promised to Cason a custom of his very own - and thus was born Quartermain on the hunt. This version of the fabled League of Extraordinary Gentleman adventurer uses a Toy Biz X-Men Movie Professor X for the torso and arms. I used a McFarlane Sleepy Hollow Ichabod Crane for the legs and boots, a Toy Biz X-Men 2 Movie Nightcrawler for the top coat and an Astro City Confessor for the head. Add some Kneadatite, cut vinyl and some bits and pieces (and a gun!) from the parts bins and there you go. Not shown is a repainted black Bigfoot figure from Mezco toys as a 'pygmy sasquatch' for Quartermain to hunt.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


1890's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Mimic

This version of Mimic is based on a design that takes the character back to the late Victorian Era of the 1890's. I began with a base body of the Toy Biz X-Men Movie 2 Nightcrawler for the torso and arms, the Jakks Pacific Universal Studios Dracula donated the trousers and jacket, Jakks Pacific Imhotep from the Mummy Returns line provided the over-sized bare feet, the wings came from a McFarlane Spawn Redeemer figure and the head and hands were from a McFarlane Sleepy Hollow Ichabod Crane figure. The rest of the accessories, glasses and other fine details were crafted from vinyl, Kneadatite and bits from the fodder boxes. He has Included with this figures is a Cane and an X-Men themed pocket watch (not shown).


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