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The Underground (Wave 5)

Soon to become an online graphic novel, the toy line based on the graphic novel is here! The Underground is about a group of rebels who fight for freedom on the Island of Libertaz, in the Caribbean.

General Ahmed

The General Ahmed is a direct opponent to General Zero. He wants to take over Libertaz and make it an Islamic state. The Underground cannot allow this to happen, so The enemy of their enemy is not necessarily a friend!


Arielle is a genius. She is a computer expert and she will become a friend of the Underground.


Bishamon is just plain crazy. He thinks he is the Japanese God of War. He is however deadly and he works for the Libertaz government.

Byron Cell

Byron Cell is the most famous political opponent to Zero. He is a political refugee in the United State but he seeks helps internationally to take Zero down.


Holler is the leader of the Phalanx. He wore the armor again when he realized Tanium was using an armor based on his designs. He will not stop until Tanium is dead.


Tatiana is the daughter of Dmitri. She became a soldier because her entire family was in the military. She is however not as loyal to her dad as expected by her teammates...

Created by Johnny_B ([email protected]).
Web site: http://thefwoosh.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=45857&start=0

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