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MICRONAUTS are back and they've come full circle.


Originally inspired by G.I. Joe in the 70s, MICRONAUTS lead to the 3 �" figure standard. G.I. Joe thrived when it came back in this smaller scale. With the end of SIGMA 6, MICRONAUTS SIGMA TEAM are back to revive the SIGMA 6 line. They are BIGGER, BETTER and MORE COMPATIBLE. With their increased size, MICRONAUTS SIGMA TEAM now have even more ports of more sizes providing more fun and expandability with upcoming vehicles, weaponry, and playsets.

One more twist: This time they are based on the Marvel Comics version of the toy. Series One includes Commander Rann, Bug, and everyone's favorite, Acroyear. Series Two will be Biotron, Karza, and a special Microtron/Marionette two pack. Future releases will include Time Traveler, Force Commander and, for the first time, Dog Soldiers.

Play, Collect, and Enjoy!





Commander Rann

Commander Rann

Created by Will Jones ([email protected]).
Web site: http://bohnded.deviantart.com

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