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The Great Pulp Heroes - Series 1 Minimates

Created by Rich Gerrard ([email protected]).
Web site: http://rich.breakbeats.org/main.php?g2_itemId=5277

Recipes Recipes:

Tarzan of the Apes
Hair - Spider-man 3 New Goblin
Head - Loki
Torso - Rocky (Rocky Box Set 2)
Arms - Hawkman
Hands - Hawkman
Loincloth - Gollum
Legs - Kobol Six
Feet - Kobol Six

Dick Tracy
Fedora - 'Disguise' Marty McFly (Back To The Future Box Set 2)
Head - Tony Almeida (24 Box Set 2)
Trenchcoat - Doc Brown (Back To The Future Box Set 2)
Torso - Professor X
Arms - Doc Brown (Back To The Future Box Set 2)
Hands - Doc Brown (Back To The Future Box Set 2)
Two-way wristwatch radio - Tiger Jacket Rocky (Rocky Box Set 2)
Tommy Gun - Sgt. Rock
Legs - Tiger Jacket Rocky (Rocky Box Set 2)
Feet - Tiger Jacket Rocky (Rocky Box Set 2)

The Avenger
Hair - Deathstroke, The Terminator
Head - The Spectre
Torso - Player 2 M Bison
Arms - Player 2 M Bison
Hands - The Joker
Gun - 24 Box Set 2
Skirt - Player 2 M Bison
Legs - Ocean Master
Feet - Ocean Master
Knife - The Punisher

Doc Savage - The Man of Bronze
Hair - Juggernaut
Head - Ultimate X-men Storm
Torso - 1985 Marty McFly (Back To The Future Box Set 1)
Arms - Ultimate X-men Storm
Hands - Ultimate X-men Storm
Legs - Professor X
Feet - Professor X

The Green Hornet
Fedora - Tiger Jacket Rocky (Rocky Box Set 2)
Head - Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Overcoat - Blade
Torso - Professor X
Arms - Blade
Hands - Green Arrow
Legs - Rocky Two-Pack
Feet - Rocky Two-Pack

Cap - Blackhawk
Head - Lt. Sulu
Torso - Blackhawk
Arms - Luke Cage
Hands - Lt. Sulu
Dart - C3 Batmobile Batman
Skirt - Blackhawk
Legs - Blackhawk
Feet - Blackhawk

James Bond 007
Hair - Jack Bauer (24 Box Set 1)
Head - Blackhawk
Torso - George McFly (Back To The Future 2-pack)
Dinner Jacket - Batcave Bruce Wayne
Arms - Batcave Bruce Wayne
Hands - Batcave Bruce Wayne
Gun with silencer - 24 Box Set 1
Legs - Batcave Bruce Wayne
Feet - Batcave Bruce Wayne

Indiana Jones
Fedora - 'Disguise' Marty McFly (Back To The Future Box Set 2)
Head - End of Day 2 Jack Bauer
Torso - Sabretooth
Jacket - No. 3 Sharon
Arms - No. 3 Sharon
Hands - Jack Bauer
Satchel - Kim (24 Box Set 1)
Whip - Catwoman
Gun - 24 Box Set 1
Pants - Andre Drazen (24 two-pack)
Feet - Andre Drazen (24 two-pack)

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