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"Phases" - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Jess (aka Jsebold87), has taken the figures made by Diamond Select Toys, Moore Action Collectibles, SOTA, DC Direct and McFarlane to create a new line of Buffy the Vampire Slayer figures from the Season 2 episode "Phases".

Wanting Smoochies Willow

Willow and Oz have been dating for awhile now, but to her dismay they haven't had their first kiss yet. She's grateful that he's not being an animal about it, but she wants her relationship with him to go forward.

Willow: "It is nice. He's great. We have a lot of fun. But I want smoochies!"

Werewolf Hunting Buffy

Buffy has learned that there is a new terror loose in the town of Sunnydale. This time it's a werewolf. She and Giles go on patrol and try to locate him. Instead of finding the werewolf they find a werewolf hunter named Cain, who seems to have no problem killing the werewolves purely for money, which really gets under Buffy's skin.

Buffy: "And it doesn't bother you that a werewolf is a person twenty-eight days out of the month?"

Buffy & Xander

They learn that a classmate, Theresa, is killed during Buffy's patrol the night before. But Buffy wants to make sure that it was a werewolf attack so she and Xander go visit her body at the funeral home. They find out that Theresa has actually been bitten by a vampire, not a werewolf. Then the victim awakens and attacks Buffy. Buffy attempts to stake her but then Theresa says "Angel sends his love". Which catches Buffy off guard, she hesitates, and when she and the vampire are struggling Xander takes a stake and rams it through Theresa. She bursts into dust. Xander helps Buffy up and she hugs him.

Buffy: "This isn't happening. He's gonna keep coming after me."

Xander: "Don't let him get to you. He's not the same guy you knew."

Hunted Willow & Werewolf Oz

Willow goes over to Oz's house to confront him about their relationship. While they are talking, Oz turns into a werewolf! Willow runs from the house and gets to the woods by the school. The werewolf, still in hot pursuit, is not far behind her. She trips and falls to the ground. But the werewolf does not attack. It stops and sniffs the air and moves in the direction of the scent.

Oz: "Willow, please! Get outta here!"

Willow: "Oz? Oz, what is it? What's wrong?"

First Kiss Willow & Oz

The day after Willow talks to Oz about what happened the night before. He thinks that she won't want to be around him since he's a werewolf. But she surprises him by saying that it doesn't bother her because that's not who he truly is, he's just a werewolf three days out of a month. She starts to leave, but then rushes back and kisses him.

Willow: "Well, I like you. You're nice and you're funny. And you don't smoke. Yeah, okay, werewolf, but that's not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month I'm not much fun to be around either."

Oz: "You are quite the human."

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