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In conjuction with Lucas Films and Disney, HembleCreations is proud to present Wave 1 of the new line of Indiana Jones 7" action figures and playsets due out in late April 2008.

Wave 1 will consist of the following figures and playsets:

Raiders of the Lost Ark - Indiana Jones in Adventure gear.
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Indiana Jones The Streets of Cairo.
Raiders of the Lost Ark - German Mechanic.
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Cairo Swordsman.
Temple of Doom - Gaint Thugee.

Raiders of the Lost Ark - Golden Idol Pedestal.

HembleCreations believes that the new Indiana Jones figures and playsets will spark a new interest not only in the older Indiana Jones fan base but a new generation of Indiana Jones fans.

Each figure will have up to 18 points of articulation and no less then 14 points of articulation, the figures will also come with accessories suited to the movie line that they come from. The playsets will have detailed scenery and will have moving parts and extras as well.

More figures will be announced after Indiana Jones the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull which is due out in May 2008.

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