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The 72

As DC Comics moves the "modern age" forward, the gap widens between the World War II era "golden age" JSA and the "silver age" JLA. The "Satellite era" JLA has been moved forward to the point that they don't appear to have even been active in the 1970's, creating a "lost era".

What happened in these missing years? Who protected the streets of Gotham, who kept Metropolis clean, and who protected the Earth from alien invasion? And who were the forces that threatened it? Who carried the Golden Age legacies during a time when the actions of heroes, and villains, went unnoticed amid a time strifed by the Vietnam War, and the dawn of the drug age, when computers were little more than oversized calculators? This is a time when nobody was paying attention to super-heroics. When glam ruled to the point that a super-hero could wander the streets in brightly-colored spandex unnoticed. This was the 1970's, when heroes like Black Lightning, Bronze Tiger, The Creeper, and a blue alien calling himself Starman were at the top of a game that had reached rock bottom. Welcome to '72.

The Creeper

Jack Ryder, a television news reporter who was demoted due to his outspoken nature. Relegated to network security, he protected a scientist who gave him two devices. One enabled him to instantly heal from any wound and gave enhanced strength and agility, but at the cost of somewhat unbalanced personality. The other enabled him to instantly change into the costume of a green-haired, yellow-skinned, and red-furred wildman; the costume, "imprinted" on the device and thus capable of being summoned and dispelled at will.

Granny Goodness

Granny runs the "orphanage," where she uses brainwashing and torture, in a brutal parody of child care, to turn the innocent into fanatical warriors willing to kill or die for Darkseid's glory on Apokolips and is the chief of the Female Furies.

Black Lightning

A gold medal-winning Olympic decathlete, Jefferson Pierce returned to his old neighborhood (the notorious Suicide Slum in the proud city of Metropolis) to become a high school teacher. Appalled by the violence he saw, Pierce tried to intervene on behalf of his students, but quickly learned that the 100, the local criminal organization, objected violently to interference. Jeff doned the costume of Black Lightning to combat them gaining his electric power from a device built by a freind.

Angle Man

Angelo Bend was an unsuccessful criminal who became obsessed with crimes with unbeatable "angles." Member of Secret Society of Super- Villains and wielding the Angler, a Penrose triangle which could warp time and space in a variety of ways. Angelo had been recruited and outfitted by the SSOSV's founder Darkseid.

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