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Brick Ninja

Created by Atomi-Jones Productions ([email protected]).


Brick Ninja was made from a Fantastic Four Movie Thing, apoxie sculpt details, and various random parts. Mortarmer was sculpted entirely from apoxie sculpt.

Magnutz was made from an X3 Avalanche figure, apoxie sculpt details, Xevoz parts, and various other parts.

Epiffynee was made from a SOTA Street Fighter Remy figure, Lotus Warrior hands and feet, felt rainbow pom poms, and various other parts.

Maxzim was made from the head of a variant Face Off Hulk, upper body of a ML Gray Hulk, lower body of a Booker T wrestling figure, apoxie sculpted details, and various other random parts.

Shamu-Ron was made from a ML Abomination head, Movie Punisher body, rotocast Venom hands, apoxie sculpted sections, and various parts.

Robo-Killah was made from a ML Ultron body, Hakaida brain tube and brain, SMC water-squirting Doc Ock tentacles, Mecha Hulk feet, and various other parts.

Paboobooboo-a-boo was made from the rotocast Venom body, Blackheart tails, Phage tentacles, and torn bedsheet bandages.

All figures were hand painted and airbrushed with Testors Fantasy Series acrylic paints and Games Workshop paints.

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