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Marvel Legends Exiles: Reality Check

In the wake of Mod Squad Disassembled, during which DoubleDealer went batsh*t insane tearing apart the team and killing off teammates Carl and Pablolobo. The shattered remains of the team that brought you last Fall's Custom Con entry of The New Thunderbolts decided not to give up hope and defied DoubleDealer's plea of "No More Mutants" to reassemble and bring you a truly X-citing, somewhat X-traordinary, and entirely X-rated (okay not really unless you count behind the scenes, brokeback fwoosh baby! ) ML boxset showcasing Marvel's most reality-challenged team.... The EXILES!

Featuring the customizing talents of Robokillah, SamuRon, Industrial, and Jason_in_NC with Magnuz along for the ride once again lending his graphics skills. We proudly present you with ML's biggest boxset to date!

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