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The latest series of the Marvel Universe:  Unfinished Business line goes cosmic!  These six cosmic beings are vastly powerful and represent forces beyond mortal comprehension.       

Lord Chaos and Master Order are abstract entities personifying the extremes in the universe, from random disorder to logical conformity.  With their agent the In-Betweener, they seek to maintain a balance in this reality.   

Infinity, along with her counterpart Eternity makes up the Marvel Universe.  Though her exact function and power levels remain a mystery, she seems to be a benevolent entity.  She helped the hero Quasar oppose Maelstrom and his master Oblivion, who both seek to destroy all of creation.  The Living Tribunal is the supreme cosmic judge, presiding over the most important universe-altering decisions, such as Infinity Gauntlet affair.  Each of his three faces represent a different aspect of justice.   

Eon, an offspring of Eternity, serves as a mentor and patron to the Protector of the Universe, a title held by such notable heroes as Captain Marvel and Quasar.

Ego the Living Planet is as his name implies, a sentient planet.  He is bent on conquest and the consumption of other planets.  He has successfully resisted efforts to be made into a meal himself by the mighty Galactus!  


With his special glove, Thanos wasn't going to be bullied by the big kids anymore...

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