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Avengers Unlimited Series II

Created by Stephen Andrade ([email protected]).


Black Knight was originally a Red Tornado figure. The helmet, gloves and boots were sculpted, random plastic was used for the buttons on the cape, and the sword, belt and scabbard came from a dollar-store toy knight.

Atom Smasher was made from a Martian Manhunter (which is a lot closer to the size that Atom Smasher is usually shown in the cartoon than the figure that Mattel made) with sculpted torso, arms and legs. The head came from Batman Animated Series figure, which was modified with sculpey and pieces of plastic for the earpieces.

Namor was made from a Sinestro (whose design works perfectly for this custom), with sculpted wristbands, bare feet, and cut plastic for the ankle wings.

Iron Fist was made from a Mattel Nightwing ('cause he has that kung-fu pose) with a sculpted mask. The sash came from an animated Spiderman Dr. Strange, and the signature collar was made with styrene, epoxy, superglue, and a lot of swearing.

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