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Haystack Toys Finds "Needles in a Haystack"

hay_all_inventors_close.jpg - 18521 BytesHaystack Toys unveils the company's inaugural toy line found last fall during the first annual Great American Toy Hunt. The line includes interactive plush sets, action-filled bath toys, open role play toys, air suspended play spaces and oversized tumbling and construction blocks.

toyhunt2_logo.jpg - 8632 BytesIn an effort to find unique and authentic toys for kids ages 3 to 6, Haystack broke toy industry tradition by inviting people from all walks of life who had what they thought was a great idea for a toy to participate in The Great American Toy Hunt. Haystack's declared mission was to find "needles in the haystack," toys that are so ingenious and involving they withstand the test of time.

The inventors behind the toys include a Dallas mom, a Denver self-proclaimed ski bum, a St. Louis businessman, a professional toy inventor and a pair of former toy executives. This fall, in conjunction with the toy debut, Haystack is conducting its second annual Great American Toy Hunt to find the toys that will make up the company's 2001 toy line.

"We're opening our doors to the public and inviting participation to find toy concepts that will become lasting elements of kids' childhood memories," says Dan Lauer, president and co-founder of Haystack Toys. "We then develop those concepts, adding features to enhance playability, and the result is great toys whose cost is in the quality of their design and craftsmanship. In the end, with Haystack, it's the kids who win."

Haystack's first toy line is sold through such like-minded partners as FAO Scwartz, Zany Brainy, Noodle Kidoodle, Imaginarium, Learning Express, Back to Basics, Hammacher Schlemmer, Amazon.com, the company's own e-store at www.haystacktoys.com, and hundreds of the best independent specialty retailers nationwide.

Haystack's inaugural line will consist of Cuddle Fish, AirMaze, Sea Pets, Flutterwings, and Jumbo Tumbos.

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Cuddle Fish:
Cuddle Fish is an eclectic, musical, maxed-out, crazy plush play set that combines two of the most popular play patterns - hair play and nurture play. Cuddle Fish includes a mother fish, three babies, a comb and hair accessories. The line features Kissing Fish Cory, Kissing Fish Kandi, Bubble Fish Mandi, Bubble Fish Lana, Angel Fish Sheri and Angel Fish Jenna.

Invented by Minneapolis-based former toy executives Frank Young and Liz Farley, Cuddle Fish was created to turn something ordinarily slimy and uninviting - a fish - into something huggable, loveable and fun!

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This air-suspended, imaginative play space is the "ultimate fort" for kids. It moves from flat from fun in 60 seconds. A series of pods and tunnels connected together by easy-to-fasten seams, AirMaze can be arrange and rearranged to fit any environment. Available in three different styles - Sky Magic, Out of This World and The Hungry Worm - each AirMaze is sold with a fan and a storing case.

AirMaze was invented by Denver self-proclaimed ski bum Gabe Ruegg for a college course called "Developing Toys and Games." Ruegg's initial prototype sat in his family's basement for years before his mother encouraged him to apply to something she'd read about in an article - The Great American Toy Hunt.

hay_seapets_octopus.jpg - 12667 Bytes hay_seapets_whale_tub.jpg - 13823 Bytes

Sea Pets:
Sea Pets is a strikingly realistic, oversized, tactile, action-filled line of water play toys that includes a Humpback Whale that spouts and sings real whale songs, an Octopus that shoots purple bath tints and a Great White Shark that feeds on a life-like Tuna fish that "bleeds."

Created by Haystack Toys' co-founder and professional toy inventor Dan Lauer, Sea Pets was inspired by a boyhood fascination with real, live sea creatures.

hay_flutterwings_btrfly.jpg - 13996 BytesFlutterwings:
Flutterwings is an open role-play toy that can be worn on a child's arms or attached to a bicyle or swing. The soft, easy motion of the wings (guided by easy to grasp handles) empowers a child to control the play experience. Flutterwings comes in two styles - the butterfly and the fairy.

Flutterwings was invented by Dallas mom Kathy Cunningham whose inspiration came from watching her daughter pretending to be an angel on the swingset. Prior to The Great American Toy Hunt, Cunningham had never invented a toy or imagined herself an inventor.

hay_miker_jumbos.jpg - 12612 BytesJumbo Tumbos:
These oversized, foam-filled, lightweight, durable building blocks encourage open, imaginative play. The sets can be configured in many different ways enabling children to construct, tumble and crawl in a safe, soft, fun play environment.

Jumbo Tumbos was created by St. Louis businessman Mike Richter who took a concept from his children's furniture business and created from it a home-based activity system that enables kids to pretend they're playing in a myriad of environments - from jungle to rocket ships.

Keep watching RTM for more information on Haystack Toys and their upcoming products soon!

[Posted 9/08/2000]

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