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Jeff Luttrell's Razor Coming To KB Toys

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above - Razor Packaging

jefflattrell.jpg - 7227 BytesLast year ReSaurus teamed up with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help make a dream come true for then 10-year old Jeff Luttrell.

Jeff, a life-long action figure fan, was diagnosed with Leukemia and was a participant in the Make-A-Wish Foundation's program to help fulfill wishes of children from 2 1/2 to 18 years old. Jeff's wish was to design and create his own action figure. ReSaurus was more than happy to help Jeff accomplish his wish and Razor was born.

Last year when Raving Toy Maniac first reported the Razor story we learned that ReSaurus was working hard to get Razor mass produced, and into the hands of the public, with proceeds from the figure going to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. That plan is at last becoming a reality thanks to a team effort between ReSaurus and KB Toys, who will be carrying the figure exclusively.

The Razor figure will be made available as a special boxed set, including Razor himself as well as his trusty sidekick Gizmo the Fighting Ferret. Also included will be Razor's shield and razor talon (similar to a ninja throwing star) accessories.

The front flap of the packaging will tell the whole story of Razor, from Jeff Luttrell's original concept to how the whole project came about.

razor_closeup.jpg - 8110 BytesWhile the process has been long, it has ultimately been a rewarding one for all involved. Jeff gets the thrill of seeing his own creation actually available in stores and collectors who were clamoring for a way to get their own Razor figure after the story broke will finally be able to add the mighty bird-man to their collection.

Of course, ReSaurus and Make-A-Wish both get to share the unimaginable joy of making a young boys dream come true.

"Jeff was just awesome to work with. His original concept of Razor made it so easy to work with." said Doug Sapp, ReSaurus Company Inc. President. "Our designers did a great job and everyone in ReSaurus really went out of their way to make this a great experience for Jeff and his family. Now with KB Toys involved it is like icing on the cake. KB has been great to step up and support this project. I couldn't be happier for Jeff and the Make A Wish people."

For the whole story on Razor, from Jeff's original concept to production of the prototype read ReSaurus's Making of Razor article at ReSaurus' website.

If you are wondering how Jeff Luttrell is doing these days, the latest word from the folks at ReSaurus is that Jeffand his family doing very well.

[Updated 1-07-2000]

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Razor and Gizmo

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