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Jon-Paul Kaiser's Captain Sturnbrau Figure

Jon-Paul Kaiser's Captain Sturnbrau Figure

Jon-Paul Kaiser's Captain Sturnbrau Figure lands!

January 2012 - "Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated!"

Toy2R proudly presents Jon-Paul Kaiser's latest release, Captain Sturnbrau. Following his crew, Olaf the Mute 8" Qee Bear and Nathaniel Vigo, the 5" Mini Qee Mon, Captain Sturnbrau takes the Mini Qee platform to new heights featuring a completely new head sculpt, arms (one with a hook) and even a peg leg to capture Jon-Paul's complete vision of this cutthroat pirate.

Available now at art toy boutiques everywhere and priced at a sea shanty from a mermaid, capture the captain while you can... and complete your Jon-Paul Kaiser series - Tales of the Whispering Corsair.

Jon-Paul Kaiser's Captain Sturnbrau Figure

Jon-Paul Kaiser's Captain Sturnbrau Figure

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