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The Internet Off-White Toy Pages:
DragonBall Z

Official Sites:

The official sites for the shows.

Irwin Toy
Irwin Toy makes DBZ action figures, this is their official site.

Pages on RTM:

Dragon Ball Z Blowout
An overview (from 2000) of what DBZ action figures have been released in both Japan and North America.

Series 14, 15, & 16
An overview (from 2000) of the first few series of DBZ action figures actually produced by Irwin Toys, rather than just distributed by them in North America.

Elsewhere on the Net:

Smart Shopping: Dragon Ball Z
A page summarizing where you can buy DBZ action figures and other toys, including prices for "brick and mortar" stores and links to some online stores.

DragonBall Z Busts - Toy Fair 2001
Pictures and information about the DBZ mini resin busts from Palisades, as shown at the 2001 Toy Fair.

DragonBall Z Model Kits
A look at the assembly of a Super Saiyan Gohan DBZ model kit, with pictures.

DBZ Trunks Time Capsule
A press release and picture from Irwin Toy, announcing their Dragon Ball Z Trunks Time Capsule. The Time Capsule will come with an exclusive Trunks action figure, and will be in stores in September 2001.

Dragon Ball Z
A basic primer on DBZ in general, as well as about the state of DBZ action figures as they were in 2000.

Dragon Ball Z: Irwin Toy's Biggest Product Line
A May 2001 press release and pictures from Irwin Toy: it announces that their Dragon Ball Z action figure product line is their "most spectacular" ever.

Secret Saiyan Warrior Vegeta
A detailed look at the Secret Saiyan Warrior Vegeta action figure, as well as Series 4 Goku, DBZ Squeezies and Super Guerreros Vegeta & Goten.

Bootleg Dragonball Z
A site with pictures of bootleg DBZ toys, including action figures and diecast vehicles.

Buyer Beware!
This page tells you how to spot fake (bootleg) Dragon Ball action figures.

One of the most thorough archive of Dragonball action figures and toys. Includes toys from Japan, Europe, and North America.

Joe's Toys
This page has detailed pictures of the Action Series, Super Battle Series, and the "super deformed" PVC figurines.

Where to Buy:

Search for Dragonball toys on eBay.com

Dragonball Z
Dragonball Z
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