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Legion of Doom: New Recruits

Created by Swass! ([email protected]).
Web site: http://www.swassdesign.com/


Cheetah: McG Wonder Woman, Crimson Injun Joe hands, DCD Kingdom Come Flash feet, ears from a PVC Care Bear (thanks to the wife), tail from vinyl tubing, lots of hand-created waterslide inkjet decals

Captain Cold: McG Captain Marvel body, head from a McG Metallo mask + sculpted goggles and nose, vinyl shoulder overlay, DCD Cold hands & gun, SOTA Guile for boots

Giganta: McG Wonder Woman head, Resaurus Cammy body, Infinite Concepts Mortal Kombat Milena arms, sculpted hair and outfit, fodder tubing for bracelets, Jakks Imhotep feet, animal-print created in Fireworks, printed on inkjet decal paper

Grodd: HC Savage Hulk, original headsculpt, and a whole lot of Magic Sculp

Mirror Master: McG Flash, McG Captain Marvel forearms & hands, vinyl details

Parasite: DCD Killowogg body, severely resculpted Killowogg head, Magic Sculp outfit, vinyl details

Zoom: McG Flash body and head-wings, DCD Amazo head, logo created in Fireworks, printed on inkjet decal paper

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