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Legion of Doom: New Recruits

Closing out my entries is an expanded roster of the Legion of Doom. I originally planned to have a LoD wave and a Flash Rogues wave, but changed my mind before going to press. Cheetah and Captain Cold were going to be in last season's Con, but I wasn't satisfied with their progress by the time the deadline hit, so I sat on them until now. Giganta was a challenge to keep sexy and savage while going a lot bigger than standard McG females. Grodd was an exercise in my sculpting abilities (fittingly, he's the heaviest custom I've ever made), and Mirror Master and Zoom were 24-hour jobs. Parasite's outfit was originally going to be a chrome silver, but it didn't visually mesh with the purple -- after a flat light grey job, I think the contrast benefits it.

Wish I could've had a group shot of all of my customs I've made this year and last, but just didn't have the time. Maybe next year. Thankfully, my camera takes panoramic shots. :)

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