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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Lars' Customs


Lars can be contacted at [email protected]


Mr. Miracles, Bwana Beast

Mr. Miracle: JLU Batman with sculpted head & belt. JLU Red Tornado cape Bwana Beast: JLU Superman with sculpted helmet , boots belt and sash. Cut vinyl mask.

Black Vulcan, Blue Beetle
Black Vulcan: JLU Green Lantern with sculpted mask.
Blue Beetle: JLU Flash with sculpted mask and belt

Black Lightning, Midnite
Black Lightning: JLU Green Lantern with sculpted head, collar, belt and boots Dr. Midnite: JLU Batman with sculpted head, belt, gloves and boots

Captain Atom, The Question
Captain Atom: JLU Superman smoothed out with resin
The Question: Kenner Bruce Wayne with sculpted mask, hat and pants

Shining Knight, Vixen
Shining Knight: JLU Superman with sculpted helmet and tunic.
Vixen: JLU Hawkgirl with animated Witchblade head. Sculpted legs, belt and necklace/earrings.

Golden Age Flash
animated Superman with sculpted boots and helmet.

The Wraith
Mattel Superman with sculpted mask, gloves, chest and boots. ML Storm cape.

Spider Woman
ML Rogue with sculpted gloves, boots and mask. Cut vinyl wings

Amalgam Speed Demon
ML Ghost Rider with sculpted face and jacket. Cut vinyl collar and sleeves.

80's Aquaman
DC Direct JLA Aquaman smoothed over with resin.

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