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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

HypeCyclops' Customs


HypeCyclops can be contacted at [email protected]


Black Cat
 is a Phoenix repainted.

Kraven The Hunter
is a New Wolverine repainted.

War Machine
is simply a repainted Iron Man with a New Wolverine belt.

 was made using superglue, the Thing's right hand and headpiece, cut sections from Dr. Octopus's tentacles for the horns, a twisty-tie for the tail, Phoenix's jacket, and an old Star Wars Han Solo pistol. Oh, and Sharpie.

The Blizzard
is a repainted Silver Surfer.

Homestar Runner - the head, really the only distinctive part, was made by gluing strips of Captain America's mask to a Venom head. Propeller was made from a Dr. Octopus tentacle.

Strong Bad - simple paint job to a Battle Ravaged Daredevil, but this could have been any figure and it would a' come out the same anyway.

Strong Sad - Again, generic figure, but with Dr. Octopus's chest-piece. 


Quicksilver - This is an old photo, and the figure has since been updated to add muscle details. The head hails from Captain America, the body is generic. The hair was made from Iron Man's hair and Dr. Octopus's claws (oh, the wondrous things those tentacles can do).

Somebody forgot to tell poor Quicksilver that Brian Michael Bendis kicked him out of the Avengers. New Wolverine's head here is swapped with Civilian Logan's.

Here was Hellboy in his early stages, pre-Phoenix jacket.

Here's another photo muck-up for fun. War Machine vs. Blizzard, replete with crappy photography and cheap Paintbrush special effects! Yay!

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