Raving Toy Maniac
Bat39's Customs
can be contacted at [email protected]
1950's / Dick
Sprang Batman
Combat Belt Batman repaint, Iron Winch Batman cape |
1960's / Adam
West Batman
Arkham Escape batman torso, Combat Belt Batman arms and legs, Iron Winch
Batman cape |
1989 / Michael Keaton Batman
Night Vision Batman body, Combat Belt Batman head |
Justice League Batman
Arkham Escape Batman torso, Combat Belt Batman arms and legs, Retro Batman head,
Iron Winch Batman cape |
Hal Jordan Green Lantern
Mission Vision GL body, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Jack Tenrec head
Justice League second season Superman
Mission Vision Superman body, European Superman head

Kingdom Come / Alex Ross Batman
Variant Batman body, Retro Batman head, JL Batman Variant wings |
Doc Samson body, Blight head, Robocop accessory |
No Man's Land Batman
Retro Batman repaint |
"Prototype" Batsuit
Batman Beyond torso, Combat Belt Batman arms, legs, and head |
Ra's al Ghul body, Phantasm hood, Frostbite head, KFN Robin cape
(Thanks to Bruenor for his help in ironing this one out, check out his excellent
here! |
TNBA Batman
Arkham Escape Batman torso, Combat Belt Batman arms and legs |
Doc Samson torso and arms, Shadow villain head and legs |
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