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Raving Toy Maniac & CustomCon 10 Present




Created by Distant Thunder.






Red Skull was made, as we all thought was necessary as soon as it came out, from a X2 Magneto body.  The coat came from an X2 Cyclops, and the luger from Special Forces WW2 soldiers, who are seen hanging out in most of these pictures.





Panzer came from a Juggernaut from the Ultima line hanging around KB for years.  Extra hand came from the part box, and the chaingun came from the 21st century villains weapons pack.





Mr. Freeze, or Baron Freeze in this line, came from an Unreal figure, a resident evil Mr. X head, and a GI Joe flame-thrower.  Kinda ironic, I thought.






 Captain America is just a simple blend of Marvel Select and Marvel Legends Cap.  I used some different boots, but otherwise he was a nice clean headswap.  I wanted to have him look like he’d been a little more soldier in the last months of the war.



BATMAN (John Byrne Edition)


Batman, done in John Byrne style, uses a Zipline Batman torso, a DCD Silver age Batman head, cape and belt, legs from a Ramos Spidey, arms from a ML Punisher, and the boots came from new deluxe Batman (capture glider something.) Truly, one of my most satisfying figures to date.





Dr. Mid-Nite is a DCD Mid-Nite,  with arms from a ML Namor, and legs from a Peter Parker Spidey.  Gloves came from a ML Punisher as well.





Hourman was built from a DCD Hourman, arms came from ML Thor, legs again from Ramos Spidey and ML Magneto boots. I originally was going to make him more normal proportioned, but I decided with the bad guys being so huge, the allies could use a heavy hitter. Besides, he does bulk up when he takes the mircalo….



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