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Oh, Thank Heaven For 7-11 and Toys

thankheaven.gif - 4528 BytesTo reach its youngest customers, 7-Eleven is introducing a new Toy Works section this month, featuring an expanded selection of toys. Targeted to children between 5 and 12, 80 percent of the toys will be priced under $5.

Sodas, sweets, snacks and Slurpee drinks -- 7-Eleven knows what kids like. In fact, an article in American Demographics suggested that most children make their first independent purchase at a convenience store -- most likely spent on candy or a beverage.

``We have lots of adult customers who remember buying their first Slurpee at 7-Eleven,'' said Doug Woodward, 7-Eleven category manager for Toys and General Merchandise. ``Children have always been an important part of our business, but today's kids are more sophisticated, discriminating customers. They still love Slurpees, but they also want the latest, coolest toys. Even candy has to do something. Our goal is to provide fast, fun-stop-shopping for kids.''

Woodward said stores will introduce a new assortment of toys every six weeks. For spring, the Toy Works section will carry water guns, flying disks, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, yo-yos and balls. Other non-seasonal items include: hand-held electronic sports games, die cast cars and trucks, Hot Wheels vehicles, Barbie dolls, LEGO sets, Duncan yo-yos, Play-Doh, WWF action figures, hacky sacks, keyrings with popular Looney Tunes, Disney and Winnie the Pooh characters, toy purses and jewelry. About 60 percent of the toys carried in 7-Eleven stores are licensed products.

``Toys are big business -- almost $23 billion is spent annually,'' Woodward said. ``Keeping up with the latest trends is a challenge for any retailer. Now, with our new retail information system that provides instant sales data, 7-Eleven is in a position to see what's hot and respond quickly to what kids are buying.''

The selection will be filled out with novelty candies that have strong play-value -- lollipops that spin and paint the tongue and lips, the always- popular PEZ dispensers, candy that comes with surprises inside, or is in a container that can be kept after the candy is eaten.

``Almost two-thirds of toy purchases are spontaneous,'' Woodward said. ``And while about half of toy sales come in the last quarter of the year, industry trends show that sales jump in March. I guess that's about when the `new' wears off the Christmas toys.''

Today, kids 8-14 spend $14 billion each year (source: Newsweek 10/18/99) and influence billions more when shopping with parents. The average U.S. family spends $350 per child on toys each year.

``Little customers grow up to be big customers,'' Woodward said. ``We know that from experience. If toys have a permanent home at 7-Eleven, kids will learn to seek them out just like they do Slurpee and Big Gulp drinks and the candy aisle. We want shopping at 7-Eleven to be a fun first-shopping experience.''

With more than 19,500 convenience stores worldwide, operations of 7-Eleven, Inc. include nearly 5,700 corporate and franchised 7-Eleven and other convenience stores in the United States and Canada. In addition, licensees and affiliates operate more than 13,800 7-Eleven stores in the United States, its territories and 17 other countries. 7-Eleven stores' home page is located at www.7-eleven.com.

[Updated 3/07/2000]

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