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Totally new figures from a totally new company

April 1, 2002 - Today a new toy company has burst on the scene - Art-Mart. Led by founder Jack Treach, Art-Mart will 'totally change everything there is about toys except that they are called toys, and we might even change that!'

Jack let on that they were going to start with something so new that no one has ever thought of it before.

"We have the most unique thing you?ve ever seen. We're doing - get this - Rankin Bass figures! Not from those tv shows, but student films of theirs! But there's more. I came up with a totally unheard of design while looking over my new Fat Cap and some Kubricks. We'll make roto-cast mini-figures of the characters from the student films! Brilliant!"

When asked what else Art-Mart plans for the future, Treach is mysterious. "Crazy money and women, that's what I'm looking for from this gig. As for what Art-Mart will do, just try to imagine the unimaginable and think about that which cannot be thought, and that's us. Basically, we're going to do the impossible some way, when it isn't even possible."

Treach feels he has the goods to live up the hype. "What hype? I toned this down, baby!"

Look for these amazing Art-Mart roto-cast mini-figures of Rankin-Bass students films at a store near you basically never, because we made this whole thing up for April Fool's Day. But we may hear more from Jack Treach, and that's no fooling!

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