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June 21: The Chalice of Guudenuph

FANtastic Exclusive Chalice of Guudenuph action figure

FANtastic Exclusive release schedules altered

June 2008 - As excited as the Four Horsemen are with the release of their latest Seventh Kingdom inspired FANtastic Exclusive (http://www.FANtasticExclusive.com) action figure, "The Chalice of Guudenuph," they regretfully have to announce that the most recently planned release date of "the Chalice" will have to be postponed by a little more than a week.

The powerhouse of a pink pachyderm "The Chalice of Guudenuph" was most recently scheduled to go up for sale on the Horsemen's online store, Store Horsemen (http://www.StoreHorsemen.com) this Tuesday night. The new release date will be next Friday night/Saturday morning (June 21st) at 12:00am EST.

As announced previously, The Chalice will sell for $25.00 each (plus shipping) and will be limited to less than 300 pieces! Ramathorr and a very limited amount of the Anitherian Nine sets will also be put back up for order at the same time as The Chalice of Guudenuph for $25.00 each (plus shipping), and $225.00 each set (plus shipping) respectively.

The Four Horsemen's Cornboy had this to say, "First of all, we want to apologize to everyone who's been looking forward to the release of these figures. With all of the delays we've had so far with these things, this latest postponement is somewhat embarrassing for us to say the least. As collectors ourselves, we know what a pain it is to wait for something that you're really into."

As for the reason for the latest schedule change? Cornboy said this, "The reason for the latest shift in scheduling is pretty simple. We're moving into a new, larger studio, which is going to require a lot of new construction. We've packed all of the FANtastic Exclusive product away into our new storage area for protection until the bulk of the construction is finished, but the construction's taking a bit longer than we'd hoped."

He added, "The need for the move came about quite quickly and unexpectedly. We would have loved to have had more time to plan it out, but things didn't go that way. Once this big move's out of the way, things should run a lot more smoothly around here, including all of our outstanding shipments. We'll send out a reminder press release just before the figures go on sale."

So please be patient. Pachyderms will soon be parading through your living room. They're just not very good at telling time.

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