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Mutant Earth:
Horgg the Dismantler

Horgg the Dismantler action figure

The year is 2099, and the place is a dystopia called Mutant Earth. Mutant Earth is the latest line to be released from Stan Winston Creatures, and the premise is that of an embattled earth five years after a great alien invasion. From the ruins of that invasion, humanity is trying to pick up the pieces and reclaim the planet against impossible odds through Trakk, the heroic leader. Due to the invasion, there are also some mutants about, hence the clever title for the story. The real question you have to ask is why don't all these aliens who want to invade earth watch all our movies that make their way across the void when being broadcast, because if they saw Independence Day, they know they won't win. Then again, if they caught Battlefield Earth, maybe we deserve it!

The year is 2002, and the place is a retail chain called Toys R Us. Mutant Earth is now hitting stores (and is exclusive to Toys R Us) with a line of six figures including a mix of mutants, humans and aliens. The figures all come with a trading card that is specific to each character. The cards also have a secret code that can be used to unlock content on the official site. The secret code for Horgg is 589metal (provided free of charge from RTM!), which you can use to preview the information on the site.

Stan Winston Creatures has really delivered on something that many in the industry have been talking about, but no one else has done as well - creator credit. Some companies champion creator rights, but Stan Winston Creatures does it better than anyone. The package does credit the artist for this figure, but the site unlocks video including interviews with Stan Winston and the artist who did the figure - Christopher Swift. Chris is the one who shepherded the character (whose concept art was created by comics artist Simon Bisley) through the design, sculpted the figure and created the paint master. Chris works for Stan Winston Studios and his work can be seen in the three Jurassic Park movies (he worked on the raptors) and in Galaxy Quest, among others. There is an artist bio on the website that gives more information on Chris, and it is well worth checking out.

There is also a four-issue mini-series due to be released from Image Comics on Mutant Earth, which is similar to the marketing for the Realm of the Claw figures. The comics will flesh out the story behind Mutant Earth, and familiarize the characters that inhabit the milieu.

Mutant Earth action figure

Horgg the DusmantlerAll the figures have a unique look about them, and this Spotlight will be taking a look at Horgg the Dismantler. Horgg is an alien who is a scavenger of anything he can find. He came to earth in search of riches (greed is a great motivator) and he doesn't seem partial to how he gains them. While humanoid in design, he has a few extra parts that separate him from your basic human. He's green for one, and he has four eyes and at least four nipples (that's all that can be seen). He wears a sort of armor that is made of a variety of spare parts, including kerosene tanks, saws, drills, chains and a large contingent of hoses. As honorary mutant (codename - Tom Thumb) and Toy Otter Jason Geyer says, "you just can't have enough hoses."

Horgg is a big figure at just over seven inches in height, and he's pretty heavy due to his size and girth. All the figures in the line have display stands, though Horgg has no problem standing without it. The stand depicts rocky ground and the remains of some unfortunate (could it be the Evilution Demon?) are embedded within it along with a removable arm that fits into a peg hole in Horgg's hand (he only has one). The sculpting for the figure is extremely detailed with nicks all over the armor and plenty of attachments on the armor. The right arm ends in a 'Borg Army Knife' (doesn't Borg sound a little Swiss?) that is a handyman's dream with a drill and several saws and other tools. The paint and deco is equally detailed, with paint washes, highlighting and entertaining signage (such as the 'no credit, Please don't ask' on the right shoulder).

Horgg the Dismantler action figure

Horgg has plenty of tools that attach to his belt via chains and several clips as well. Most of the stuff on the belt isn't designed to be removable, however. The figure's sculpture is the primary design consideration for Horgg, so the articulation is limited based on the sculpture. Horgg has swivel joints on the boots (so his feet can twist), the waist, neck, right shoulder, left wrist and a mid-bicep twist on the left arm. The right arm and neck can only twist through a narrow range since there are hoses (did we mention lots of hoses?) that attach to the arm and head.

Click to see more pictures of Horgg (page 1)

And even more pictures of Horgg (page 2)

Pictures of the rest of the Mutant Earth figures

Where to buy Mutant Earth: Horgg and the other Mutant Earth action figures are exclusives to Toys'R'Us and retail for $14.99 USD. You can also get them via the Toys'R'Us presence on Amazon.com.

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