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GI Joe 25th, Exclusives, Forces of Valor at SmallJoes.com


January 23, 2008 - (Sponsor Announcement) - News from SmallJoes.com:

Welcome to 2008! We'd like to take a moment to thank each of you, our loyal customers, for making 2007 another banner year for SMALLJOES.COM. We appreciate your patronage and look forward to serving you with the best collectibles in this new year and beyond.

Hopefully in a few more weeks we'll be ready to announce an exciting new product, exclusive to SMALLJOES.COM. This project has been in the works for about nine months and we think it will be an exciting enhancement for your collection. Watch our mailing list updates for news!


A lot of GI JOE 25th Anniversary product is back in stock including wave 4 and wave 5 (aka wave 1 '08) single-carded figures + the first two waves of the comic book 2-packs.


Also in stock, GI JOE: America's Elite comic #31:



Recently added to site are some new 1:32 scale aircraft - a new Dogfight set and the new Focke-Wulf FW-190F-8 models:


Also added are a new scheme for the Jagdtiger, 8" Howitzer, and Sherman Firefly Vc:


Coming very soon: more new 1:32 scale aircraft, more new 1:32 scale armor, the 1:18 scale Me-262 "Nightfighter version", and yet even more! 21st Century is rolling out a lot of great new stuff for 1st quarter '08!


The new F4U Phantom in 1:32 scale is now available. The 1:18 scale F16 Falcon is also back in stock. Last but not least, the "Hellmouth" version of the 1:18 scale F6F Hellcat is available.



A bit of a heads-up on Forces of Valor pricing: wholesale pricing for this product was increased dramatically in November of 2007. Forces of Valor have opted to stick with their die-cast components for the Enthusiast line but this comes at a price due to the rising cost of zinc.

We were able to get a large re-order of product in before the price increase deadline allowing us to offer you excellent pricing throughout the holidays and now into 2008. However, inventory is rapidly dwindling on these products. Once out of stock, price increases will go into effect. Tip: take advantage of our better pricing now.



Listed this week on eBay, another chance to own some rare and sold out exclusives from the 2007 GI JOE convention:

Rowdy Roddy Piper carded 3 3/4" figure:

Jet Pack Troopers 3 3/4" two-figure set:

A 25th Anniversary Snake Eyes w/ black Timber is available:

We also have listed at a significant discount a few other Elite Force, 21st Century, and Forces of Valor items in slightly damaged packaging.


SMALLJOES.COM gift certificates are a convenient way to purchase a gift for the discerning collector that you know - available in any denominations, easy to use, and they never expire.


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Thanks for reading, and we hope you'll stop by and check out the site soon.


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