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Halo ActionClix Prereleased at Gen Con 2007


August 29, 2007 (SEATTLE) - WizKids Inc. hosted the highly anticipated Halo® ActionClix® Prerelease tournament at Gen Con Indianapolis 2007. The tournament, which was held Saturday, August 18, sold out at the maximum of 256 players.

"Halo fans and Clix players alike were excited to be part of this event. People couldn't wait to see first-hand the figures and game play," said Mark Tuttle, WizKids® brand manager. "We were disappointed that we actually had to turn away players at the door."

In addition to the excitement surrounding the Halo ActionClix Prerelease tournament, Gen Con attendees also demoed the game, took pictures with Master Chief™ and saw the massive Halo ActionClix Scarab at the WizKids booth.

Halo ActionClix brings the incredible content of the Halo universe to the tabletop via the award-winning Clix game engine. Players are able to replicate the exciting player vs. player action from all three Halo games using high-quality, prepainted plastic miniatures of various Halo characters. Halo ActionClix: Series One features more than 90 units, including the Scarab, an enormous vehicle found in Halo 3, and the Warthog and Banshee vehicles.

A wholly owned subsidiary of the Topps Company (TOPP), WizKids is a Seattle-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating tabletop games driven by imagination. Its HeroClix® and Pirates brands are among the most successful games on the market today, with over 100 million miniature game figures sold worldwide. For additional information, visit www.wizkidsgames.com.

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