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WizKids Collector's Sets


January 17, 2007 (SEATTLE) - WizKids Inc. announced today that it will make HeroClix® and MechWarrior® Collector's Sets, along with two convention figures previously available only direct from WizKids®, available to retail stores in the US through Diamond Comics Distributors and Alliance Game Distributors and a select group of distributors in Europe. These themed and highly collectable sets and convention figures were available first to customers of WizKids' "Buy it by the brick" program though the WizKids website.

"This will allow players and collectors who have not had access to these exciting sets and figures to add them to their collections," said Joe Hauck, EVP of Sales, Marketing and Product Development. "Retailers have been asking for these products, but they were intended to be very limited. We are only now able to offer them through this channel."

Beginning at the end of January, the following products will be available on these street dates:

January 31, 2007:

DC HeroClix THE SPECTRE Figure, SRP: $85.00
DC HeroClix Giants Collector's Set, SRP: $40.00
Image HeroClix Invincible Collector's Set, SRP: $30.00

February 14, 2007:
HorrorClix Great Cthulhu Figure, SRP: $85.00
DC HeroClix GREEN LANTERN CORPS Collector's Set, SRP: $30.00
MechWarrior Republic of the Sphere Battleforce Set, SRP: $30.00

February 28, 2007:
MechWarrior Ares 3 Pack Battleforce Set, SRP: $60.00
Marvel HeroClix 2099 Collector's Set, SRP: $30.00

Retailers interested in carrying the sets mentioned above are urged to contact their Diamond Comics Distributor or their Alliance Game Distributor representative to place their orders, because supplies are limited in availability.

About WizKids:
A wholly owned subsidiary of the Topps Company (TOPP), WizKids is a Seattle-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating tabletop games driven by imagination. Its HeroClix and Pirates brands are among the most successful games on the market today, and over one hundred million game pieces have been sold worldwide. For additional information, visit www.wizkidsgames.com.

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