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FANtastic Exclusive: Xetheus Figure Images

fantastic exclusive minotaur action figure
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FANtastic Exclusive 2006 update: Xetheus revealed!

May 2006 - In the fall of 2005, the Four Horsemen started up the website FANtastic Exclusive 2006 and asked action figure fans to help them design and decide the fate of their next exclusive action figure.

Over the next few months fans voted on various aspects of the creation of the limited edition figure and chose the representative to be the ethereal Minotaur Warrior from the Four Horsemen's in-house property, 7th Kingdom.

The voting is over, the decisions have been made and production has begun on the figure to be sold at the 2006 San Diego Comic Con and through the FANtastic Exclusive 2006 website, so the Four Horsemen decided that the time had come to reveal the images of the painted Minotaur prototype.

So, with out further delay the Four Horsemen are proud to present the 7th Kingdom: Minotaur - XETHEUS!

To check out more images of the painted prototype as well as more progress images, photos of the final clay head, and the 2-up casting, be sure to drop by FANtasticExclusive.com.

FANtastic Exclusive. Action figures done your way.

fantastic exclusive minotaur action figure

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