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Beast Wars, SW at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

February 21, 2006 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:


BEAST WARS 10TH ANNIVERSARY: Wave 2 of this cool anniversary line has just arrived: Dinobot, Transmetal Rattrap and Tarantulus are available as a set of three for $46.99. We also have all of wave 1 in stock - get all 6 figures and you can form the cool Transmutate figure! We also have a limited number of the BWR-01 figures left for preorder, our shipments will be here in under a week!

CAPCOM VS. SNK ROUND 2: An all new wave of figures from High Dream, this set of 4 is priced at $54.99 and includes one each of Akuma, Haohmaru, Chun Li, and Mai. Akuma is also available separately and we have listings for the Haohmaru and Akuma variants as well.

STAR WARS - REAL ACTION HERO VADER: The episode III version of Medicom's Real Action Heroes Darth Vader has just arrived and we have stock available at $184.99 each. This figure is around 12" tall and comes with a new head mold, high quality saber hilt and blade, and a very nicely designed cape and suit for Darth.

STAR WARS - MANY VARIOUS ITEMS: Attacktix Wave 3 is back in stock for $7.99 per booster. A portion of our Wave 3 Saga figures have arrived and we now have singles in stock for Yoda, Poggle the Lesser, C-3PO with Droid Head, and Sun Faq. The new Star Wars Transformers arrived, Boba Fett and the Sith Infiltrator have gone to backorder, but we do have the Anakin Starfighter in stock. A few of the 3" Titanium ships are in stock, new Force Battlers and the Boba Fett & Vader Custom Choppers have arrived. More of the 2" Unleashed figure sets from wave 2 have also arrived. The Green Luke FX Master Replicas Saber is also back in stock.

GI JOE: Sigma 6 Soldiers wave 2 has just arrived, the Sky Bat and new Stormshadow are included as a set along with Kamakura & Tunnel Rat for $44.99. The Viper Lockdown sets arrived and are nearly sold out, so we have a backorder listed for the next shipment. More 3-Packs with comic have arrived as well as more R.O.C.C. vehicles. We'll continue to restock all the new Joes and should have new shipments within a week.

STIKFAS: We've received a restock of the Tyrannosaurus and Gamma Viking, and about 15 currently sold out Stikfas will be restocked in 10 days, so be sure to check back then for more.

STREET FIGHTER MINIMATES: A few new exclusive Minimates sets are available now at $8.99 each. Figures include Chun-Li vs. M. Bison and Ryu vs. Akuma


Below is a nice batch of new items from Sideshow spanning many licenses, from Star Wars to Chucky!

LORD OF THE RINGS - 12" LEGOLAS: The second figure in Sideshow's new 12" lineup will be Legolas Greenleaf. Another extremely well detailed figure with great looking weapons and a nearly perfect face mold. Preorders available now at $62.99

STAR WARS - MACE WINDU 12" FIGURE: Sideshow keeps rolling these out and they keep selling out quickly - get your Mace Windu reserved now at $47.99

STAR WARS 'VSD' VINYL SUPER DEFORMED: Produced by Medicom in Japan, Sideshow is distributing these in the USA, very fun figures priced at $54.99 each. Darth Vader and Stormtrooper each have oversized heads, feet, and hands - definitely a different look for them, but the figures are attractive and balanced even with the oversized appendages.

CHUCKY: There has been a Chucky drought for quite a while, but he's
finally back! Sideshow brings us the standard version of Chucky for $45.99 - he stands 15" tall and brandishes a carving knife. We also have the Bride of Chucky version listed at $45.99 - this is basically the same figure other than the horrible gaping wounds on his face.

SAW - 30" JIGSAW PUZZLE: A creepy release based on the recent horror movies - this puppet is priced at $209.99 - take a look.

REAL ACTION HEROES: Sideshow brings us a few more Medicom products, the RAH Wolverine and Venom figures previously available only in Japan are now up for preorder at $104.99 - more highly poseable 12" figures.

REIGN OF FIRE - DRAGON MAQUETTE: Even if you didn't love the movie, this Dragon Maquette is worth a close look. The dragon is captured in an open-mouthed roar so tons of teeth are showing and everything is highly detailed, this item is fairly expensive at $329.99, but great for any big dragon fans.

MARVEL ARCHIVE - CAPTAIN AMERICA WEAPONS SET: This will hopefully be the first of many weapons sets for all the Marvel heroes. We have this item priced at $74.99 - a very cool display of Captain America's shield and helmet along with a pedistal base.

TERMINATOR 1:2 SCALE T800 ENDOSKELETON: If the 1:1 scale Endoskeleton from Sideshow is a bit out of the price range, here is a half-sized offering at one-third the price! Sideshow's 1:2 scale version stands about 3 feet tall and features glowing red eyes - up for preorder now at $1999.99. We also have the 1:4 scale verison in stock for $499.99

JOHN WAYNE PREMIUM FORMAT FIGURE: The Duke gets Sideshow's premium treatment in this new 'Western Hero' statue that stands about 20" tall! Available to preorder now at $234.99

ANGEL: A new Angel figure is up for preorder at $42.99 - with black leather trenchcoat and wrist action retractable stake.

INSANELY TWISTED RABBITS: The fourth installment based on Michel Gagne's artwork is up for preorder at $54.99 - the 'Evil Grin' rabbit is much bulkier than previous rabbits.

Thanks for your interest in www.bigbadtoystore.com and be sure to check out some of the new preorders and new arrivals. Many more new preorders will be listed in the next few days so look forward to more interesting news soon!


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