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Lightsabers, Dragons, Stikfas at YouBuyNow.com


December 22, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - News from YouBuyNow.com:
YouBuyNow.com Weekly Update

Wow, what a crazy month, we have shipped out an incredible amount of product in the last couple of weeks and are looking forward to a bit of a break. We have a lot of great new items in stock as well as some new stuff available for pre-order. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Brian at [email protected]

New Arrivals This Week

  • Luke Skywalker FX Lightsaber
    The Luke Skywalker FX Lightsaber is back in stock and ready to ship. It's based on the green lightsaber that Luke used in Star Wars Return of the Jedi. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/2214

  • Darth Sidious Mini Lightsaber
    From Master Replicas, we have the Darth Sidious Mini Lightsaber replica. It's an exact replica at 0.45 scale of the prop used in the movie. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/1781

  • Mace Windu Mini Lightsaber including GOLD Variant
    From Master Replicas, we have the Mace Windu Mini Lightsaber replica. It's an exact replica at 0.45 scale of the prop used in the movie. We also have a couple of the GOLD Variants in stock but they always sell quickly so if you want it, grab it now. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/245&pos=2

  • Darth Tyranus Mini Lightsaber including GOLD Variant
    From Master Replicas, we have the Darth Tyranus Mini Lightsaber replica. It's an exact replica at 0.45 scale of the prop used in the movie. We also have a couple of the GOLD Variants in stock but they always sell quickly so if you want it, grab it now. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/245

  • McFarlane's Dragons Series 2
    Following the success of the first series of Dragon figures, we have the McFarlane Dragons Series 2 in stock and ready to ship. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/148

  • Kotobukiya Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Statue
    From Kotobukiya in Japan, we have the Anakin Skywalker Snap Fit Model Kit from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/2199

  • Darth Vader Episode III Bust
    From Gentle Giant, we have the Darth Vader Mini Bust based on the Vader that appeared in Star Wars Episode III. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/2200

Don't forget, you can always check the "New Items" page on our site to see the most recent additions.

New Items Available for Pre-Order

  • New Wave of Stikfas
    Stikfas has announced the next new wave of model kits including the G2 Gamma Male Viking, the Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur and Triceratops Dinosaur. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/198

  • Minimates Max Galactus
    From the new line of Minimates Max figures, we have the Max Galactus available for pre-order. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/2206

  • DC Direct Identity Crisis Series 1
    From DC Direct, we have made the first series of the Identity Crisis action figures available for pre-order. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/309

Don't forget, you can always check the "Pre-Orders" page on our site to see everything we currently have available to pre-order. That's it for this week's update, we will have more to announce next week. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


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