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Dare to Discover Happiness

happiness chan

About Happiness Chan

Happiness Chan is the story of a little plush girl who goes on a quest of discovery.

Named after the only word that appears on her toy tag, she goes in search of the true meaning of her name, in hopes that it will reveal more about her origins. Along the way, she meets many interesting characters on her journey, and does her best to help them all find their own little piece of happiness. Will she ever find true happiness herself?

Featuring whimsical concepts and stories, the world of Happiness Chan can be enjoyed by both children and adults on many different levels. The character designs combine the classical poise of American animation with the cutting-edge, imaginative influences of Japanese anime. Good graphics are only as good as the stories behind them, and Happiness Chan has plenty to tell! Each story features unique characters and situations that tell tales that people of all ages can relate to.

happiness chan

More like a video game world than a webpage, the Flash-based HappinessChan.com breaks out from normal conventional design, combining elements from games, internet browsing and even blogging to create a holistic digital environment that will immerse the visitor in the world of Happiness Chan.

The ever-expanding website will be bursting at the seams with interactive webisode stories, games, downloads, contests and other activities that encourage visitors to be creative and just have fun! And just as our world grows and changes every day, so does the world of Happiness Chan. Visitors will journey with our little heroine, as her continuing exploits open up new features and activities online.

Discover Happiness today at www.happinesschan.com!

And perhaps, you may find your own little piece of happiness along the way.

happiness chan

About Kabutago (PuMpKiN TwiNs)

Once upon a time, there was a pair of twin pumpkins who were very alike in many ways, sharing all kinds of likes and dislikes. But most of all, they both loved creating stuff.

Darrink (that's the brother) poured his heart into drawing and animation, while Sharrink (that's the cute younger sister, of course) had a passion for stories and writing.

One day a little girl stumbled into the pumpkin patch where they lived. She asked them what "happiness" meant. While they were unable to answer, they were very intrigued by her question, and requested that she let them know if she ever found out.

She did.

Darrink and Sharrink decided to use their love for stories and animation to tell the little girl's story. They formed a company to do just that, and called themselves the Kabutago.

Specializing in multimedia animation and design, Kabutago offers an innovative take on online publishing, aiming to break new grounds in online entertainment and the digital experience!

Happiness Chan is their inaugural project.

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All images, format, content, and design are copyright © 1994-2013 Raving Toy Maniac. No part of these pages may be reproduced without express written consent of the Raving Toy Maniac. Licensed character names and images are copyright © their respective companies.