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DC Direct Arrivals Update

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July 20, 2004 - Can't remember which DC Direct products are due in at comic book stores soon? Here's the schedule for the next couple of weeks. These release dates are subject to change, sometimes the items are released later than originally planned, and sometimes earlier. (Here's another release date schedule for 2004.)

July 21:

August 4:
August 25:
September 1:
To Be Determined:


Starting today, readers looking for the latest news from DC Comics can receive DC DISPATCH, a free, weekly e-newsletter that features news on all the diverse creative and business areas of DC Comics.

"The thing most people want to know, we've found, is what's on sale this week. This is the fastest way we can get that information delivered to them automatically," said SVP - Creative Director Richard Bruning. "Also, late-breaking news about new projects coming from the DC Universe, WildStorm and VERTIGO will be there, as well as information on CMX, DC Direct and MAD Magazine. With the improvements of the website, the new online Letters to the Editor column and now this email newsletter, fans of DC publications and products have more ways than ever to learn about all the cool stuff going on here!"

Readers can sign up for DC DISPATCH by visiting dccomics.com.

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