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SOTA: When Puppets Attack

when puppets attack

July 12, 2004 - In case you haven't realized it yet, we here at SOTA Toys just cannot do things the regular way.

We HAVE to be unique.
We HAVE to be strange.
We HAVE to be twisted.

Which is why our puppets are unlike anything you've ever seen! Some say we've even gone a bit too far... and that's "When Puppets Attack!!"

WHEN PUPPETS ATTACK!! are approximately 10 inch hand puppets with grim features designed for maximum creepiness as well as hand-powered claw attack!

The first lineup includes six characters: Popeye, Barlowe, Witch, Jack, Grimisdyke and Skull. The puppets were designed by Matt Rose and Chad Water of GrimGrottoGoods.

when puppets attack

WHEN PUPPETS ATTACK!! finished product will be shown at the SOTA Toys booth (#4129) at the Comic Con International in San Diego, July 21-25, 2004

Look for WHEN PUPPETS ATTACK!! in stores Fall of 2004.

Founded in 1997, SOTA Toys, Inc., is based in Van Nuys, CA. The company designs, creates, produces, and markets novelty products and action figures, based on well-known entertainers and celebrities. Founder Jerry Macaluso, a veteran toy designer, has had many years of experience in this business, having previously created and designed toys, action figures, and other products based on such well-known properties as "Star Trek," "Aliens," "Predator," "Spiderman," "Power Rangers," "Resident Evil," Playboy, Bruce Lee, and hundreds more. For more information visit http://www.sotatoys.com.

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