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eigoMANGA Comic Book Naming Contest

June 2004 - eigoMANGA has launched a naming contest for its new shojo (female-oriented) comic book series set to release in October 2004. The un-named shojo comic book publication is an alternative to the company's underground hit, RUMBLE PAK which is now available in major book stores nationwide starting September 2004. This new anthology series will showcase original manga stories primarily geared towards the female audience.

The un-named shojo comic series is produced by an all-women team in all aspects of the publication; this publication and editorial team will select the best names suggested throguh the eigoMANGA website. The name that is selected for the new publication will be announced on June 20th 2004 and the winner will recieve editorial credit in the new series in additional to a collection of prizes. The winner will also get an opportunity to be drawn into the first issue of the comic book as a character.

The colleagues of eigoMANGA would like to view this contest as another opportunity to allow and enable fans the ability to directly contribute to the developments of eigoMANGA's comic book publications.

Visit the eigoMANGA website at http://www.eigoMANGA.com for details, deadlines, and other announcenments regarding the shojo naming contest.

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