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littleplasticmen.com New Arrivals


May 22, 2004 - (Houston, TX) - (Sponsor Announcement) - littleplasticmen.com... Fresh off the truck... it's Kill Bill figures from NECA! We're selling them in sets of five and a two figure set to start, however individual figures will likely be available in a couple of weeks.

We also recently received refresh cases of Return of the King Series 2 figures including the Morgul Lord Witch-king, The King of the Dead, Faramir in Gondorian Armor and Merry in Rohan Armor. Also, we received more Fellowship of the Ring figures with Prologue Elven Warriors and Twilight Frodos back in stock!

Also, don't forget our May contest. One lucky customer will win a set of carded McFarlane Shrek figures!


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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