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Charmed Action Figures

Charmed action figures
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January 2004 - The Power of Three Will Set You Free. The hit television show "Charmed" comes to the action figure world, courtesy of SOTA (State of the Art) Toys. Using the latest scanning technologies, these 6" inch action figures feature detailed sculpting, articulation and themed accessories.

This set of 4 individually packaged action figures includes: Alyssa Milano as Phoebe Halliwell, Rose McGowan as Paige Matthews, Holly Marie Combs as Piper Halliwell, and Michael Bailey Smith as Belthazor.

Each figure comes packaged with a portion of the infamous Attic. Collect all the figures to create the complete attic diorama, and get "Charmed."

The Charmed action figures will have a suggested retail price of $12.99 USD each. They will be packaged 12 to a case, with the following case ratio: 4 Pheobe, 3 Paige, 3 Piper, and 2 Balthazar.

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