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bbi's 12-inch U-2 Pilot Figure

U-2 Pilot action figure
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November 2003

The "Cold War"

Even with no direct fighting, the Cold War became a potent and dangerous war of ideologies. Tension, mistrust, propaganda and deception were the order of the day.

bbi takes an historic visit back to the "Cold War" and introduces the Elite Force U-2 Aviator to its collection of finely crafted 1:6 scale figures. Our U-2 pilot comes outfitted with a special pressurized suit and helmet, the kind that those on secret missions wore for the extremely high altitudes they reached. Another vital component of U-2 flight gear is the portable oxygen tank, which allows the pilot to pre-breathe in order to prepare for the rapid assent into the atmosphere. Of course, bbi packs in a variety of other accessories like a parachute harness, flight boots and a water bottle. Even a Sharpie pen is part of the official uniform of a U-2 pilot and because it is meticulous about every detail, bbi made a scaled replica of that too! Fine artistry and research prove once again that bbi is unrivaled in exacting standards that have become the hallmark of the Elite Force Aviator line.

The U-2 Incident

From 1955 through 1958, Lockheed U-2 spy planes had been flying photograph missions over the Soviet Union. Used extensively during the Cold War for operations over the Soviet Union, they operated at altitudes of 75,000 feet, which for a time was beyond the reach of planes anti-aircraft and weapons. That changed on May 1, 1960. A U-2, piloted by Gary Powers was shot down by a SAM-2 missile. Khrushchev disparaged the United States for spying and being unwilling to halt its war effort. Eisenhower denied the plane was flying in Soviet airspace. This incident, along with the war of words that followed, temporarily halted the peace process.

Please check our website www.blueboxtoys.com for updates on our newest Elite Force action figures.

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