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Suncoast Exclusive Simpsons BBQ

June 2003 -- Whether your Dad is grilling up pork chops for the family or hosting the biggest barbeque bash on the block, you can help him grill in style with a Father's Day gift of Simpsons BBQ accessories available exclusively at Suncoast.

The line of products feature America's favorite Dad -- Homer Simpson -- doing what he does best: drinking beer and grilling meat. Items available include:

  • A BBQ Tool Set - featuring stainless steel, heat-resistant, dishwasher-safe tongs, a spatula and a fork, all with beer bottle shaped handles featuring the Duff Beer logo.
  • A freezer mug to help keep dad's beverage cold while manning the hot grill. The mug shows Homer in action, grilling over a gigantic flame.
  • The Homer Simpson talking bottle opener also features Homer at the grill and has a special audio message that plays every time it is used.
  • The perfectly "charred" apron and oven mitt set feature Homer exclaiming, "Oooooh, Flamey!" while sporting a blackened "Kiss the Chef" t-shirt.
  • A t-shirt depicting a slightly charred Homer with the caption, "Well-done!"

"Simpsons fans are some of the most devoted fans around and Simpsons merchandise has been extremely popular," said Bruce Martin, vice president of marketing for Suncoast stores. "Homer is a symbol of the flawed but well-meaning Dad. So what better way to honor real-life Dads than to celebrate what Homer stands for... humor, beer and... meat."

In addition to the grilling accessories, Suncoast carries a wide variety of Simpsons merchandise that Dads will love, including t-shirts, games, collectibles and figurines. And nothing will brighten Dad's day like the DVD collections of seasons 1 and 2 of the series.

Just add a soft couch, a cold beer and some donuts, and Dad will be able to have a Father's Day to remember... Simpsons-style.

Suncoast is a leader in the movie specialty retailing industry. The stores are generally found in malls and are a division of the Minneapolis-based Musicland Group. The Musicland Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE:BBY). Musicland is a leading specialty retailer of home entertainment software products in the United States. The company currently operates more than 1,100 stores and web sites under three names - Sam Goody, Suncoast and Media Play -- in 48 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

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