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New Arrivals at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

January 9, 2003 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:

RE-ISSUE SMOKESCREEN & ACT 9 PVC: These new items have just arrived from Japan! Smokescreen comes packaged in a great looking collector box. Act 9 PVC consists of Armada characters - both are in stock for immediate shipment.

ARMADA SUPERCONS: Optimus Prime, Blurr, Smokescreen, and Sideways have arrived and we have restocked the large Optimus Prime super-base figure as well.

KOREAN GIGASTORM & BRAVE MAX UPDATE: We have restocked the Korean Gigastorm and our shipment of Brave Maximus has reached the US and should be arriving to us around 1/22. Pre-Orders still available for Brave Max.

JOYRIDE VIDEO GAME FIGURES & ZELDA: We have restocked the Majora's Mask Zelda figures and have just received the new Joyride video game figures including Luigi and Link.

MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: Wave 3 villians have arrived - Tri-klops, Trapjaw and Skeletor. Some other MOTU items are also available.

TOY BIZ: SPIDER-MAN, MARVEL, LOTR: We have restocked some of the Spider-Man Movie figures and received several figures we previously did not carry. Gandalf and Shadowfax is now in stock as well as Travelling Bilbo, Merry & Pippin with Moria Orc and many other LotR items. We still have some Marvel Legends 3 figures left, but they won't last much longer.

MARVEL: The Hard Hero Statue of Captain America has arrived - $99.99 and the Marvel Select Elektra figure is in stock for $18.99

BLUE BOX: We have received 6 new Blue Box Elite Force figures. NYPD, Australian SASR, and several Sniper figures.

JAPANESE BEAST WARS: A variety of JBW items have been added and restocked, including: Versus 41, Versus 14, Lio Convoy, Metals Rattrap, D14 Dirge and More!

TORTURED SOULS: 12" Lucidique has just arrived and we still have sets of the second series of tortured souls Figures available.

DREAMWAVE: Armada #6 and the Generation 1 collection book (which has all 6 issues in one book) have arrived.

STAR TREK: The NX-01 Enterprise has arrived!


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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