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Dynamic Forces Fan Fun Package

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December 6, 2002, Runnemede, NJ � Dynamic Forces announced the release of its 10th Anniversary Fan Fun Package coming in February 2003 -- a month certain to be full of fun to celebrate the DF Decade!

With the Dynamic Forces Fan Fun package, expect comics, t-shirts and more featuring fan-favorite characters! Here's what's coming!

Our birthday is here, and we're celebrating in full swing! There is soooo much to do and so little time! So to make things more of a surprise, DF is placing together this extra special B-Day Fan Fun pack that has so much stuff in it, it's like a pinata, chock full of goodies � just don't hit it with a bat!

For years, here are 10 cool products -- starting with 2 random complete sets of trading cards, 2 rare promotional cards, 2 random action figures, 2 signed books, and 2 limited edition DF hardcovers! And to top it off, we're going to present you with a signed copy of Wolverine #181 as part of the package -- signed by the writer Frank Tieri!

The MSRP on this package will be well over $100.00, but it's yours for just $19.93 � the year DF came to be! And as an extra added bonus, DF will also be placing a newsletter in this B-Day package to let you know about all of our upcoming projects! Limited quantity of sets available!


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